Do You Trust Gen AI?

Do You Trust Gen AI?

I don't. Here's why:

  1. Forgetful
    When you give it multiple instructions, it may forget one. For instance, I asked it to provide examples to illustrate a point, but it forgot.
  2. Misses Obvious Information
    Gen AI often overlooks crucial details. For example, when writing about trends, it failed to mention AI as one of the trends - a glaring omission.
  3. Provides Wrong Information
    It has given me incorrect information in the past. It claimed a certain course was offered at a Singapore university, which was false. Additionally, it provided incorrect personal details about an individual.

Verify with a Critical Eye
Always review Gen AI's output with a critical eye. Verify the facts, identify what's missing, and don't accept every output at face value. While it may be intelligent in some areas, it's not infallible.

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