Escaping the Concrete Jungle: What Nature Means to Singaporeans

Escaping the Concrete Jungle: What Nature Means to Singaporeans

Singapore, a city where nature is meticulously designed and curated, offers its inhabitants a unique environment. Our waterfalls are man-made, the animals are caged in a zoo, and our gardens are planted and manually arranged. It’s no surprise that many Singaporeans crave the experience of real, untamed nature. Imagine seeing mountains, lakes, padi fields, animals roaming in the wild, real waterfalls, and snow that doesn't come from a fridge. Don't you think so?

The Urban Landscape: A Man-Made Nature

Singapore is a marvel of urban development. Our cityscape is adorned with towering skyscrapers and stunning man-made structures like the Supertree Grove and the Marina Bay Sands. Gardens by the Bay is a testament to our ability to create beauty, with its artificial waterfalls and meticulously arranged flora. Yet, amidst these wonders, there’s a longing for something more authentic. The allure of untouched nature calls to us, whispering promises of experiences beyond our concrete jungle.

Craving for Real Nature: Mountains and Lakes

In our flat, urban environment, the idea of mountains and lakes feels almost mythical. Imagine standing at the foot of the majestic Swiss Alps or gazing across the serene waters of Lake Tekapo in New Zealand. These natural wonders, with their raw, unfiltered beauty, offer an escape from our perfectly planned surroundings. Many Singaporeans who have traveled to such places describe a sense of awe and tranquility that is hard to find back home.

The Allure of Wild Animals

Visiting the Singapore Zoo is a delightful experience, but it pales in comparison to witnessing animals in their natural habitats. Think about the excitement of a safari in Africa, where lions, elephants, and zebras roam free. Or imagine trekking through the Amazon rainforest, hearing the calls of exotic birds and spotting wildlife hidden in the lush greenery. These encounters with wild animals provide a thrilling contrast to the caged experiences we're accustomed to.

Authentic Agricultural Experiences: Padi Fields and Farms

The sight of sprawling padi fields, like those in Bali or Vietnam, offers a glimpse into a way of life that is far removed from our urban existence. Walking through these fields, watching farmers tend to their crops, and understanding the rhythms of rural life can be incredibly grounding. It’s a stark contrast to our high-rise buildings and air-conditioned malls, reminding us of the simplicity and beauty of agrarian landscapes.

Chasing Real Waterfalls

Our artificial waterfalls, while beautiful, can’t quite capture the majesty of natural ones. Imagine standing before the thunderous roar of Niagara Falls or feeling the mist of Iceland’s Gullfoss on your face. These natural waterfalls, with their immense power and unrestrained beauty, offer an experience that’s both humbling and exhilarating. It’s a reminder of the untamed forces of nature that lie beyond our controlled environments.

The Magic of Real Snow

For many Singaporeans, snow is a novelty experienced through media or artificial snow machines. The chance to see real snow, to feel its chill and marvel at its beauty, is a dream for many. Traveling to places like Japan, Europe, or North America during winter provides an opportunity to experience snow in all its glory. The first sight of snow-covered landscapes, the feel of snowflakes on your skin, and the joy of building a snowman are magical experiences that stay with you.

Nature and Mental Well-Being

Experiencing real nature goes beyond just sightseeing. It has profound effects on our mental well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in natural environments reduces stress, improves mood, and enhances overall mental health. In contrast, our urban surroundings, while impressive, can sometimes feel stifling. Real nature offers a sense of freedom and connection that is essential for our emotional and psychological health.


Singaporeans’ yearning for authentic natural experiences is a natural counterbalance to our highly urbanized lives. Whether it’s the majestic mountains, serene lakes, wild animals, sprawling padi fields, thunderous waterfalls, or magical snow, these experiences enrich our lives in ways that our concrete jungle cannot. So, what natural wonder will you explore next?

I have been to 9 countries, namely Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, England, New Zealand, and Bali. The food, the people, and the places make it such a memorable experience. If you have not traveled, you are missing out on a lot of life experiences.

Travel Tips for Singaporeans

  • Mountains and Lakes: Visit Switzerland, New Zealand, or the Himalayas.
  • Wildlife: Go on a safari in Africa or trek through the Amazon rainforest.
  • Agricultural Experiences: Explore the padi fields of Bali or Vietnam.
  • Waterfalls: Witness the power of Niagara Falls or Iceland’s Gullfoss.
  • Snow: Experience winter in Japan, Europe, or North America.

By embracing the call of the wild, we open ourselves to a world of beauty and wonder that extends far beyond our man-made marvels. Let's step out and explore the real nature that awaits us.

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